THE PATH TO J-SUCCESS: Journalism Skills (Blog Entry No. 2)
All my life has been into writing since my elementary days. Those yearly journalism workshops up to my junior high were pretty much worth it. I have somehow developed the confidence and also trust myself whenever I write. Self-trust is hard to achieve because it always project the questions “Am I good enough?” “What did I develop throughout those workshops?” “Will I apply those when I take my Communication program?”
Writing is a plus on me. I also consider myself average in skills in other media forms (Adobe and Microsoft programs) since I can do the basics along with the intermediate aspects. However with speaking? I still need to work on it especially in straight English. I’ve always been writing in Filipino when I write articles together with my music when I come up with lyrics that fit when I’m noodling with my guitar. If I could be confident in writing, I should be confident in speaking since it is one of the key skills as a communication student. Stuttering is my enemy because I have a habit to think what to say next while talking. It distracts me to the point that I forget my lines. I can recover it but everyone wants to perfect their craft.
With the help of an Olongapo local radio station, I expect to learn much more when it comes to speaking through the microphone; the tricks and techniques as well as how a radio station works. It is in the speaking part that I am lapsed and lacking. I look forward to the exposure training because it can be a core contributor in my J-skills. I am looking forward to it.